Mowbray School Choir perform a Show of Song
22nd and 23rd February. 1.00pm performances (Approx 45 mins) Tickets are £5 each, available direct from the Georgian Theatre Royal website, by telephone or in person.
Families Update October 2023
Please click on the link below for some important information from Rachel Hargreaves, Headteacher. We are sure that you will find this video both interesting and informative
The Big Help Out
Thank you to all our families who submitted photographs and videos, made decorated crowns, sent food, and to all our young people for helping to make the sandwiches for our Coronation picnic. We hope that you all enjoy watching this 'Mowbray Coronation Big Help Out...
Ofsted Inspection – Letter to Families
School Update from the Executive Headteacher – February 2023
Executive Headteacher School Update February 2023 – A presentation by Rachel Hargreaves
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