Careers Policy

What is a Career?

The term “Career” is used to explain the pathway that a young person takes as they mature.  It relates to education, training and employment.


What is Careers Guidance?

This guidance will happen throughout school, through events, both formal and informal. School staff, professional Careers Advisors, visiting employers and school and college tutors will all contribute to the guidance a young person will receive.


When does Career Guidance occur?

It happens all the time.  Class teachers will often refer to employment opportunities during lessons and form times. In addition to the ever-present advice and guidance available to students through their routine contact with staff, special events and meetings specifically aimed at refining and pursuing beneficial career paths take place throughout the school year.


What specialist advice will students receive?

A member of North Yorkshire County Council’s Career Advisory Service will meet individually with all students once a year in Year 9, 10 and 11.  Reports are written and submitted to make part of the student’s annual review.


How will students develop employability skills and prepare for the transition from school to the work place.

As part of their PfA (Preparation for Adulthood), all students will have career related targets listed as part of their EHCP. The school will actively pursue the accomplishment of these areas of skill and knowledge. Part of this process will include encounters with potential employers. Employment and vocational experiences will be arranged to meet the individual needs and aspirations of the young person. Depending on the individual circumstances of each case, work placements may be arranged.


Where and when will work placements take place?

Every work placement will have been personally agreed and specified by a senior leader in school. Depending on the attributes of the young person attending, placements may be for short, or extended periods, be part or whole days. Work placements will generally be offered for students in years 10 and 11.


Will children be safe whilst on placements

In addition to working with NYCC Careers Advisory Service, Mowbray school will be working with NYBEP (North Yorkshire Business and Enterprise Partnership) who have, for many years, organised, monitored and evaluated work placements for students in North Yorkshire. Students will only participate in placements that meet all of the legislative and statutory requirements relating to school-centred work experience.