It is important that our pupils see themselves as no different from other school pupils and for this reason we have a compulsory school uniform.
Secondary department pupils : black or grey school trousers/shorts/skirt, black V-necked jumper, black shoes or predominantly black trainers, white shirt and a school tie.
Primary Department pupils: black or grey school trousers/shorts/skirt, school summer dress (red or blue), red sweatshirt (logo optional), black shoes or predominantly black trainers, polo shirt (navy blue, logo optional).
From a health point of view all pupils will be expected to change for PE and Games, including vocational activities, such as farm visits. Secondary pupils are required to wear a white round neck T-shirt and black shorts, or tracksuit bottoms plus trainers.
All uniform can be purchased by clicking on the link below, supplied by Uniform Easy. Alternatively school does have a limited stock held in school.
We do try and keep costs of uniform to a minimum, you are not obliged to purchase the uniform from ourselves if you feel you could get items cheaper elsewhere.
It is helpful if clothes are clearly named so that lost property can be returned easily to its rightful owner.
School uniform can be purchased from or from Ripon Uniform Shop 01765 692233
Please click on the link above or the image below…