The school philosophy supports the belief that all pupils, irrespective of need, are entitled to a curriculum that is broad, balanced and accessible.
All of our policies respond to the Special Educational Needs & Disabilities (SEND) of the pupils and this policy should be read in conjunction with all others, notably the Review, Child Protection, Assessment and Recording, Personal Development, Leavers Programme, Equal Opportunity, Literacy, Care and Behaviour policies.
The governing body and teaching staff strive to ensure that necessary provisions are made for all pupils with SEND and, where the Executive Headteacher has been informed by the Local Education Authority that a pupil has SEND, those needs will be made known to all who are likely to teach them.
Staff and governors are aware of the importance of identifying and providing for those pupils who have SEND. The Executive Headteacher, staff and governors review the policy for pupils with SEND annually, and make it available to parents at any time.
Staff ensure that children with SEND join in school activities so far as is reasonably practical and compatible with pupils receiving the necessary special educational provision.